This four day course involves the following:
The Hunter & Marksmanship Course is a four day course which provides the first time hunter with a broad and solid foundation of practical skill and knowledge, whereby they can build and develop in the world of hunting.
The course focuses in on two fields within hunting: ‘Hunter-craft’ and ‘Riflecraft’.
Field One – Hunter-craft: ‘Hunter – craft’ was a phrase coined by the famous hunter WDM Bell. Hunter-craft encompasses the following areas:
- Environment: understanding the landscape and weather where the deer exist.
- Observation: how to see the hunter’s world in detail.
- People: acclimatisation to Nature. The language of hunting: verbal and sign. Being a diplomat.
- Tracking: how to identify, follow and interpret deer tracks and sign.
- Flora & Fauna: the plants and animals that coexist with deer.
- Quarry: deer biology and behaviour.
- Equipment: the tools and clothing used in hunting.
- Consumption: learning how to butcher, cook and eat venison.
Field Two- Riflecraft: Riflecraft is where the apprentice hunter understands how to use a hunting rifle. This will include the following:
- The Marksmanship Principles
- Fundamentals of ballistics
- Fundamentals of the rifle
- Fundamentals of optics craft
- Safe & responsible shooting practices in the Field
- Range safety
- UK Firearms Law
- Close and long range shooting practices
The course capacity is for a maximum of two apprentice hunters. Apprentices are given either one on one or two by one teaching. All our instructors have over 30 years of practical rifle experience and training. All instructors are qualified NRA RSOs – Range Safety Officers and NRA qualified Club Instructors. All our instructors have over 30 years’ experience of hunting all over the world from mainland Europe to Africa; America to Central Asia.
The Hunter & Marksmanship Course is not set in a classroom environment! Also this is not a 9 to 5 course. Nature works at odd hours!! So, please expect long days in the Field.
Courses are run all year round.